Who Asked You?

Who Asked You? - Terry McMillan Terry McMillan had me at the opening line: "It's my day off and I'm in the kitchen getting ready to fry some chicken." I immediately liked main character Betty Jean (BJ). She is the rock of a family with the world on her shoulders. Her youngest child, Trinetta's life is a continuous emergency. Trinetta disappears with boothang Dante leaving her two sons in BJ's care. Never mind that BJ is already taking care of her ill husband, working room service at a hotel, preparing for her son Dexter's parole, being ignored by her oldest child Quentin, plus dealing with two sisters and a best friend. Whew! I'm just tired typing about BJ's life, let alone living it.

Terry McMillan's signature writing and unforgettable characters are evident in her eighth novel, Who Asked You? The story is told from the perspectives of all characters. Usually I am not in favor of rotating point of views but there is no other way this story could have been told. Each character played a part and it was necessary to read it from their individual perspective. Well done, Terry.

Who Asked You? is dedicated to mothers, who do the best they can. Any mother will appreciate this book and understand Betty Jean's story. Although I am childless, the book made me appreciate mothers even more. You put up with so much, expecting nothing in return. You give your all so effortlessly without complaint. Mothers break their back for family and give their very last. I thank you. And I thank Terry McMillan for penning an excellent story that told the burdens and blessings of a family.

Who Asked You? is expected to publish on September 17. Pre-order your copy now. It is guaranteed to take you away from everyday troubles and get lost in the world of fiction.

Literary Marie of Precision Reviews