Single Girl's To Do List

Single Girl's To Do List - Lindsey Kelk Author of the I Heart series, Lindsey Kelk, released a hilarious standalone novel titled The Single Girl's To-Do List. So I recommended it for a chick lit book club I'm in on goodreads, and it was selected for our July BOTM. What a great choice! Where are all my single ladies? Put your books up! This is a cute, fun read for the summer while lounging at the pool, checking out the guys underneath your shades.

Makeup artist Rachel Summers is the queen of to-do lists. She cannot function without them. When her boyfriend Simon suddenly dumps her, she is unsure of what to do next. A five year relationship, a mortgage, and a co-signed car loan later, and he suddenly wants a break. Best friends Emelie and Matthew come to her rescue and help develop an entirely new kind of list - The Single Girl's To-Do List. It is the perfect cure for heartbreak.

As a subscriber of Lindsey Kelk's personal blog, I followed her progress in writing this book. I wondered if she would be able to master a standalone novel and completely separate these characters from those in the I Heart series. (And cleverly feature a cameo by Jenny.) Would it be just as interesting, if not more? Would it still have the perfect element of entertainment, chick lit, lovable characters, and pop culture references? Yes! Great job on this standalone novel, Lindsey Kelk!

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